Quick Group meeting before lecture on 25/01/13
Lecture - Researching your business (Drop in Session - Friday 3:00-4:00)
Within this lecture we discussed the current project which we are undertaking and how to go about it. This included how to interview the person chosen, how to approach them, how to handle yourself etc. We also looked at competitions and organisations that offer cash prizes for professional pitches in creating your own business (business plan/concept).
NACUE's = Encourages students to become their own boss (start an enterprise)
At DJCAD there will be an Enterprise Training & Jobs Fair 2013 on Thursday 31st at 5pm. This does sound interesting and I will be going t this event as I am interested in starting my own business once I leave university. Mainly because I know jobs are few and far but also because I believe it will create a happy situation/future for myself and will also help other graduates and open up job positions.
*Select a subject - What company/area of business
*Define the issue - Questions your going to ask
*Approach - How are you going to contact them
*Background Research - Info on your chosen Company
*Interview - Call, Visit, Skype
*Analysis - Analyse the answers given
*Present - Final present your findings.
Define Issues
Understanding the characteristics of design and businesses and their life-cycles. Discover the skills and attributes require by entrepreneures. Examine how they; start up, finance themselves, define their niche, brand and market themselves, organise & recruit and finally grow.
Simon Sinek's view
What - Whats my company going to be, How do I market myself
How - How do I get started, How am I going to fund myself
Why - Why are you doing this, Why did you call yourself that, Why did you do it that way.
Start out by asking yourself these question. If you cant answer this then do something else. You have to be motivated and happy within your situation.
Steve Jobs would be a good example of What, How, Why. Steve Jobs asked himself these questions and created the company Apple.
Research for project
*Desk Research - Reading Books and searching online. Expand your horizon by reading books that we have been directed to. Looking at the Company, the sector, the market and the trends.
*Primary Research - interview
*Key Tips - Play to your team strengths then define specific tasks. Try and have one strength mentoring another with a lack of skill in that area (ie, interviewing, presenting etc)
Doing Interviews
Interviews have four stages:
Once you have decided to interview someone, email in advance to make an appointment. Ensure the email is of a professional nature. Spell check and do not use short hand writing. Also avoid using X's or smiles. This is not professional. Identify yourself by your name and the name of your university and course. Describe what your project is about, be brief and general.
Do as much research as possible in advance on the person or company. Make a list of your questions and the information you require. After gathering the questions, try them out on a friend. Also prepare a consent form. Within this form it will explain what we are trying to find out, how the information will only be used for educational purposes. How none of the information will be shared with the general public and how it will not appear on our blog unless consent is given. Finally email them a copy for them to sign off.
*Doing the interview
Be personable and ensure that you arrive on time. Being late does not give a good impression. You must also dress smartly, smile, ask questions politely and have good manners. Finally be friendly but not over the top that your loosing your professional approach.
Ask if you are allowed to record the interview. This might be approved but the negative side is that they might hold back more. Take notes even if you are recording it just incase of a technological malfunction. You can never trust technology 100%.
Give some casual conversation to start with to ease them in and make it less stressful and more casual. Give them time to answer their question fully and appear to be interested. Looking distracted is un-polite and will not make a good impression. If two people are doing the interview take turns in who is questioning and who is taking the notes. Finally thank them for their time, leave a business card if possible and make sure you have taken your consent form.
* The reconstruction
As soon as the interview is complete, go through the notes as soon as possible in a quiet location (coffee shop etc). Underline or put stars next to the information that you think to be the important points. Do not interview via facebook/twitter or email. Do not ask about their fundings etc as this is to personal. Do not blog any of the information.
Swot Analysis
Lecture after 10 minute break
Work - Around 90% of people dislike their jobs.
Here's a secret - Do not listen to what your parents/lecturers etc have to say about your future as they are wrong. They do not know where our economy is going therefore can not give accurate advice on it. They are not lying, its just they are taking a gamble on our rocky economy. Predicting a positive outcome is a gamble.
Job growth has decrease in a lot of areas but has increased in: Design, financial services, entertainment, education and scientific research.
40 DJCAD pupils worked on 'the Illusionist' film. 1 pupil was the director of Special effects on 'Skyfall'. Go DJCAD!!!!!
There is a remarkable rise in the Digital Economy. Facebook, youtube, apple, google and twitter are recent companies. There are less than a decade old! Yet they have become a large part of our lives. We cannot predict the future of technology and our economy.
The top ten Jobs in demand by 2015 did not exist in 2005! These include; App Developer, social media manager, cloud computer services, life coach, professional blogger, market research data miner, chief listening officer etc.
This module is preparing students for jobs that currently do not exist!
*Vertical Famers - Farms created in skyscrapers etc that are within cities.
*Avatar Manager
This year was the year that those over 65 in the UK outnumbered those 16 or under. This will never change and cannot be reversed.
Finland, Italy and Japan will have more people retired than those in the workforce.
WE ARE GETTING OLDER as a population. A new culture is being produced. Older people are being more active (Pre-Boomers - Born before 1946). Baby Boomers 23% (1946-1964 - Soldiers coming back from War etc). Generation X (MTV Generation - 1965-1976). Generation Y (The Net Generation 1977-1997 27%) the Generation that prolongs youth.
Generation Y is the era of the wanted Child. Since there is preventions to pregnancy, less children are produced which effects the old to young ration, hence the reason that those over 65 in the UK outnumbered those 16 or under. We are the most protected Generation so death rate is less also. We have dexterities in our hands that the Baby Boomers do not have due to using games, using a computer etc. This has caused surgery equipment to be remade. Also it is quicker to train those in Key-Hole surgery.
The IPOD Generation
* Insecure
* Pressurised
* Overtaxed
* Debt
Change 1
Jobs will get smarter and more people focussed
Change 2
We won't 'go to work' we will connect with work
1942 'we can do it' Poster
Being T Shaped is essential. You must be positive and driven.
Things to look at
Makers by Chris Anderson
Scottish institute Enterprise
Simon Sinek
Hilary Colins - Creative research (Page 134-137)
Evan Davis - Made in Britain
Sir Ken Robinson - www.ted.com
Grownup Digital - Don Tapscott - www.grownupdigital.com
Mary Portas